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Article I-Name


The name of this organization shall be “Templeton High School Drama Boosters”. 


Article II-Purpose

The purpose of THS Drama Boosters shall be:

  • to organize the parents and the community in support of the Drama Department of Templeton High School 

  • to give assistance to the drama teacher as requested

  • to provide scholarship funds to students seeking  to further their education. 

  • to provide positive role models for students


Article III-Membership

Section 1.  Active Membership

Active membership in this organization shall be made available to any individual who subscribes to the purposes of the organization as stated above and who desires to assist us in reaching our goals.
Membership drives will be conducted in conjunction with production schedules for shows. 


Section 2.  Sponsoring Membership
Sponsoring memberships will be made available to individuals or organizations that contribute substantial financial assistance or in-kind donations to THS Drama Boosters.  Sponsoring members are not obligated to participate in the daily activities of this organization, however, sponsoring members are invited to participate at any level they choose.  Sponsoring members will not have voting privileges.  The executive committee will determine the level of financial assistance required to be a Sponsoring Member, and subsequent recognition, annually. 

Article IV-Officers and their Election

Section 1.  Each officer of THS Drama Boosters shall be an Active Member of  THS Drama Boosters.


Section 2.  The officers shall consist of  a president, one or two vice presidents, secretary and treasurer.  The officers shall be elected annually, subject to the approval of THS Drama Boosters.  The officers described will form the executive committee.


Section 3.  Nominations and elections for office shall be made by any member of THS Drama Boosters in the May meeting of each year.  


Section 4.  The privilege of holding office shall be limited to active members of the organization, who have been members for at least 30 days prior to nomination.


Section 5.  Officers shall serve a term of one year.  Officers shall assume the duties of their office upon election.


Section 6.  Treasurers shall serve no more than 2 consecutive terms.  Other officers may serve until they are no longer re-elected.


Section 7.  A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by the executive committee and subject to approval of the organization.

Article V-Duties of the Officers

Section 1.  The President will:
Coordinate the work of officers and committees of the organization
Preside at all meetings of the organization
Sign checks as needed with the authorized officers
Ensure that Templeton Unified School District requirements for booster clubs are met each year
Perform other such duties as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned to the president by the organization


Section 2.  The vice president(s) shall act as an aide to the president and shall perform the duties of the president in the absence or disability of that officer to serve.


Section 3.  The secretary will:
Keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings
Be prepared to refer to minutes of previous meetings
Keep a current list of all members of the organization
Perform such other duties as may be delegated to the secretary.


Section 4.  The treasurer will:
Keep such permanent books of account and records as shall be sufficient to establish the items of gross income, receipts and disbursements of the organization.  The books shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection by any member of the organization, the school district and the public.
Receive all monies and deposit them in the name of the organization
Pay all bills as authorized by the organization
Keep the membership financially informed by providing a monthly report
See that all necessary tax forms are filed yearly
File yearly financial statements with TUSD.


Section 5.  When an officer fails in their duties, the executive committee, by consensus, , may declare the office vacant and follow the procedures under Article IV, section 7 to fill the vacancy.


Section 6.  Executive committee shall be responsible for all matters not otherwise covered in the bylaws.


Section 7.  Outgoing officers are responsible to dutifully transmit all pertinent information to the incoming officers.  

Article VI-Meetings

Section 1.  Regular meetings of THS Drama Boosters shall be established at the first meeting of each year by the general membership.   Regular meetings for the entire year will then be calendared for scheduling purposes.


Section 2.  The privilege of making motions, debating and voting shall be limited to Active Members of the organization who are present and who have been members of THS Drama Boosters for at least 30 days previous.


Section 3.  Five members shall equal a quorum. 

Article VII-Ad-Hoc Committees

Section 1.  There shall be such committees created by the organization as may be required to carry on the work of THS Drama Boosters. 


Section 2.  The president- subject to the approval of the organization- shall appoint the chairpersons of committees.


Article VIII-Finances

Section 1.  The treasurer shall maintain a checking and/or savings account.


Section 2.  The signature of any two officers shall be required on all checks authorizing the payment of funds.


Section 3.  The executive committee must approve all expenditures.  Any expenditure over $500 must be pre-approved by the executive committee.


Section 4.  All expenditures of organization funds shall be justly accounted for and appropriate records kept of such expenditures.  

Article IX-Fiscal Year

Section 1.  The fiscal year for THS Drama Boosters shall begin on July 1 and terminate on June 30 of the following year.

Article X-Provision for Amendment of Bylaws

Section 1.  Any proposed amendment must be submitted in writing to the secretary who shall submit such a proposed amendment to the members of the executive committee for study insofar as conflict with the remaining bylaws is concerned.


Section 2.  If a conflict exists, the proposing member shall be advised and will be requested to submit an alternate proposal; upon receipt of an alternate proposal, and if no conflict exists, it shall be submitted to the Active Membership.


Section 3.  All proposed amendments shall be acted upon by the organization membership at a regular or special meeting called for the purpose.


Section 4.  These bylaws may be amended after discussion with the Active Membership and with a two-thirds majority vote of active membership present, representing a quorum (5 members).

Article XI-Conflicts of Interest

Section 1.  The ad-hoc scholarship committee members shall consist of Active Members who do not have a child graduating that year.


Section 2.  Officers will recuse themselves from voting on any issue that could benefit them financially.


Section 3.  No monies from this organization will be used to benefit any officers or members personally; only as compensation for services rendered or reimbursement for related, approved business expenses.

Article XII-Dissolution

Section 1.  At the time this organization dissolves, proceeds remaining after all debts are paid, will be donated to Templeton High School Associated Student Body as long as it is exempt under section 501(c)3 at the time of dissolution.

(805) 591-4770

PO Box 341   Templeton, CA  93465

Tax ID: 47-2063300

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