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For Parents

Welcome to Templeton High School Drama Boosters!  If your child is currently involved in rehearsals or performances, you are automatically a booster!  We do not charge fees, but we do ask for your help in other ways.  We have monthly meetings and all are invited to attend.  They are usually on the second Monday in the drama classroom (B7) or the PAC at 6:30pm. We hope to have the option to zoom in when possible.  If you are not receiving regular updates from the drama boosters, please fill out this Google form to join us! 


On these pages you will find links to forms you might need, information about how to access our rehearsal calendar, and other information about our organization that is specific to parents.


We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!  Meeting dates include: September 16, October 7, November 4, December 2, January 13, February 3, March 3, April 7, May 5, June TBD

Rehearsal Calendar

If you spend your own money on things like costumes, props, food, etc.,  you may be compensated in different ways, depending on your preference and the availability of funds.


1) Tax write-off.  You  may choose to collect your receipts over the course of the year and submit copies of them all at once.  The Boosters will write a letter stating that you did, indeed, donate all of those items to the program and you turn that letter in to the IRS, using the total toward your deduction.

2) Direct reimbursement.  Fill out this reimbursement form, attach receipts, and turn in to a member of the board.  Your reimbursement will be approved at the next meeting (if not sooner).  


Restrictions:  Please note that there are restrictions on the amount you may be reimbursed and how long after the purchase you may turn in the receipts for reimbursement.  See written policy below.

Templeton High School Drama Booster 
Reimbursement Policy

Templeton High School Drama Boosters is a volunteer, non-profit organization.  Our budget is limited to what we can obtain through fundraising efforts and donations.  Our volunteers will sometimes incur expenses in the course of fulfilling their duties.  No expenses incurred by volunteers are guaranteed to be reimbursed.  Expenses may be reimbursable, under the following policy:


  1. Receipts are required for any reimbursement request.

  2. Fill out the Reimbursement Request Form and attach receipts.

  3. Return receipts and forms to a Board Member for approval.

  4. Amounts exceeding $250 must be pre-approved by the board.

  5. Amounts of $500 and above must be discussed in a general meeting.

  6. The money must be available in the budget category corresponding with the expense.

  7. Reimbursement requests must be made within 30 days of the event. 


A yearly budget will be created with appropriate categories to cover all anticipated expenses.  Expenses may be reimbursed until there is no longer money available in the specified category.  Reimbursements cannot be made when there is no money in the corresponding expense category.  Exceptions may be made by a vote of the Board when unexpected expenses arise (may be done by email).  At no time will reimbursements be made if the reimbursement brings the checking account balance below $0, or compromises the organization’s ability to pay expenses it has already incurred or agreed to pay directly (insurance, printing that has already been ordered, etc.).


Basic business expenses should be paid for by the THS Boosters directly, if possible (PO box rental, any banking, state or federal filing fees, insurance, etc.).


Families who are providing dinners on long rehearsal nights may choose to donate the food, or may be reimbursed up to a predetermined amount.  That amount will be determined at the start of rehearsals, based on the existing budget at the time and the number of meals that will be provided, and announced at the parent meeting. In general, meals for the fall show should be less expensive because there are usually fewer students and meals involved.  Musicals in the spring always require more food because there are more students involved and more late rehearsals.  Therefore, food reimbursements for the fall should be lower than for the spring (i.e., $40/60).


Volunteers who are helping with costumes, props, or other show-related expenses, should seek reimbursement from the director’s ASB budget first, then the Booster budget.  The Director’s budget for each show will “close out” a few weeks after the close of the show, and reimbursements from the department will be more difficult to obtain after that time.  The boosters will budget a certain amount to help with the production of each show.  Once that money is spent, further reimbursements related to show productions will have to be voted by the Board as indicated above-or denied.

(805) 591-4770

PO Box 341   Templeton, CA  93465

Tax ID: 47-2063300

©2019 by Templeton Drama. Proudly created with

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