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Purpose and Mission

Templeton High School Drama Boosters were formed in 2014 to assist the Drama Department by organizing the community and the parents in support of the drama program.


THS Drama Boosters believe that a successful Drama program creates opportunities for students to grow in confidence while they discover their talents, as well as opportunities to learn important life skills and values, such as perseverance, respect for themselves and others (including youth and adult leaders), hard work, leadership, teamwork, setting and achieving goals, communications skills and the importance of commitment.  We also believe that live theater is a benefit to the entire community.  We recognize that we are looked to as an example by the students, therefore, we strive to continuously improve as individuals, so that we will be positive role models.


We support the students, the director, and the department.  To do this, we conduct fundraisers, large and small, throughout the year.  In addition, we use volunteer hours from our members to provide benefits to the students, the program and the community they wouldn't otherwise receive.  We use our resources for the following purposes:


  • To coordinate parents and others in supporting the program;

  • To help offset production costs; 

  • To assist the director as requested; 

  • To provide scholarship money for students seeking to further their education;

  • To provide meals during long rehearsals.


Anyone can be a booster.  We have monthly meetings throughout the school year and all are encouraged to participate.  Any help you can provide, whether monetary, in-kind donations, or the giving of your time and talents, will help provide the kind of positive experience we are seeking for our students.  We welcome you, and look forward to your participation in the Drama Boosters. 


(805) 591-4770

PO Box 341   Templeton, CA  93465

Tax ID: 47-2063300

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